



月老婚姻 姓名配对 爱情运势 合婚

牛年运程 八字精批 号码吉凶 公司测名








超过 人测算,都说特别准!














月老婚姻 姓名配对 爱情运势 八字合婚

牛年运程 八字精批 号码吉凶 公司测名





after river ’ plane had been , a large of magi in, even more chaos in this place.

on the way, just the of who were to seek was above 15. this meant that every once in , there would be with such a .

if not for and his group that gave them an air of , even magi like them might meet with some .

after out of a city of , , to have seen some .

“, what’s wrong? is there wrong with those ?”

2 and 3 him and .

“it’s !” . even if it was them, they were from two . wasn’t on any with them, and them by. this might be the best for them.

, , fate was such a thing that could not be .

just as was his and the gates, he into those from .

“! hi! ! is that you?” the group of , a tall young man in the front was .

they had been quite a away , but now that they met, the to had him.

“long time no see!” the , who were , and ’t help but give a smile in .

after his body, ’s and sight had . he could see that out of all the , the one who had was very tall and a had a head of long hair, thick , large eyes, and a high nose .

there was also a with an curvy body, hair and eyes like . she an charm.

these two . they were the he hadn’t seen in ages— and !

“but isn’t an at the ennea ivory ring tower? why is he with , who’s from ?”


this went his mind for a split he was , as had and the to him.

“, it’s you! i i’d the wrong !”

was a good that he’d made on that first in the , and just like , he gave a bear hug.

, on the other hand, was her at the side, .

at the , she had much for . of , after had beat up her ‘ ’ as a to her, this woman had very .

, she was still able to pass the test and enter the .

“hi, .” to be .

“come here! , let me you. this is !” at a youth with -brown hair.

“this here is lana! and the in pink is our long — !”

after that, the two him. lana was , but the flesh on ’s waist. he let out of pain; it as if these two had a less .

’t help but at more . she wore pink gear that a pair of milky white . she was tall and a green bow, to be a good match with .

even had to admit that had good taste.

“, why aren’t you your two here to us?” after that, mock ’s chest, which him a .

he at his own and then .

for the sake of while , and his two grand had on . after the old witch’s force , he would also his waves, which that he was an magus.

his two bound were the same way.

hence, and the , who were still , were to ’s and him as a .

“these are my two . we met on the way and to be going to the same place. they aren’t very and are a !”

threw a of a into 2 and 3’s hands. “take this and leave first. we’ll meet at our !”

upon their ’s , 2 and 3 and left on .

“, it’s best if you’re when with them. i feel them…”

at the of 2 and 3 as they left, and he to .

“don’t worry, i know my !”


“haha… let’s not talk about this . , we haven’t met in six or seven years, huh? this time, we have to drink to our heart’s !”

put an arm ’s , and one could hear his and proud from miles away. “guess what? two years ago, i and a level 3 ! even my me for this! but it’s not much; it can’t be that i only have a -grade .”

due to this , and all of the city and . they found a small bar and to .

after two beers, had he to know from .

was still a of ennea ivory ring tower, and so was his , .

, lana, and that guy were all from the .

the for their trip here was to by their . and knew each other well, so the two teams .

“we’re in deep . we were a in which we must enter, as well as a in the river plain’s plane!” had a look of on his face, and when they got to this topic, even and .

the plane was under the of magi, and a few like them ’t be able to a tiny . they were but , and could die at any time.

at these . in this group of five that had been , and were level 3 , and the other three had level 2. in , their total power was to the group of five that he had the moon town.

“oh, right! how about you, ? your aura seems . you must be a level 3 , right?”

to be any . , who was using a straw to drink her , to hear his .


“i was lucky to to a level 3 a few ago!” .

“it’s not easy to to a level 3 ! come! let us drink to our as magi!”

hid none of his and , the of the .

“!” six of beer .

after a bout of , asked, “, where are you now? in the bone ? only after my did i find out that the bone was a dark magus that was at odds with us. it’s even for us to with them.”

“what? bone ?! that bone ?”

the the words came out of ’s mouth, lana and were like who had had their tails on, and in shock.

didn’t say , but the gaze in her eyes was more when at .

“! ! don’t be this tense! and i are good ; he is from other dark magi…”

only then did the slip of his , as he stood and gave a on the topic.



月老婚姻 姓名配对 爱情运势 八字合婚

牛年运程 八字精批 号码吉凶 公司测名


标签: 命理his






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